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Sunday 3 January 2016

Analyse front cover, contents page and double page spread.

Analysis of the front cover, contents page and double page spread of 3 x existing music magazines.

  1. Choose 3 examples
  2. Do a little background research e.g
    • When did the magazine start?
    • Who is the target audience (age range, background, interests etc)
    • What genre of music does it concern itself with?
    • Who distributes it and what are the current circulation numbers?
  3. Analyse the front cover, contents page and double page spread of each (you must use the links and examples below to help you to do this)
  4. Analyse the fonts and colour palettes used for each magazine
  5. Read the interviews/double page spread: what sort of register and language features are used? How is the text formatted?
  6. Post findings to your blog using whatever software you wish
Websites to help you with generating colour palettes from a digital copy of a magazine (click to access): CSS Drive or Pictaculous 

Website to help you with font identification, and which publications use specific fonts (click to access) Fonts in Use


Vibe front cover 

Front cover colour palette (generated using CSS Drive)

Look at an A grade blog to how they have completed each stage - click links below: