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Sunday 17 January 2016

Audience research. Questionnaire.

Conduct research about your TARGET AUDIENCE (not just anyone).

Create an online questionnaire to help you to do this.  Post to your blog, and get people to take it.

You can use Survey Monkey. for free.

Some ground rules to follow:

  1. Only ask one question, per question.  Do not roll two questions into one
  2. Do not ask questions that lead your audience to a specific response
  3. If you are providing multiple choice answers, make sure you provide an appropriate scope of answers for respondents to choose from
  4. Consider including an 'other' option, where respondents can type in their answer if you have not left them the answer they want
  5. Do not include many, if any, answers where the respondents need to type long winded responses - these are difficult to analyse.