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Sunday 7 February 2016

First Drafts: Peer-assess, Feedback and your 'Plan of Action'.

Read these instructions right to the end, before you get to work.

  1. Look at and evaluate each of your peers' front cover, contents page, and double page spread
  2. Jot down a WWW and an EBI comment for each, as you look (for the front cover, contents page and double page spread)
  3. Post your comments on your peers' blogs, underneath the post of their first draft.  Comments should be specific and constructive.  The most helpful EBI comments are the ones with specific suggestions for improvement
  4. Once you have got your peer feedback, create a blog post that summarises some of the most useful WWW and EBI comments   
  5. Use the comments and feedback to create your 'PLAN OF ACTION' (see coursework schedule), and post this to your blog.
If you want a grid to use whilst taking notes for steps 1 and 2, then click here and print it.