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Sunday 11 October 2015

Narrative Codes.

Roland Barthes describes narrative as a series of codes that are read and interpreted by the audience:

  1. Action Code
  2. Enigma Code
  3. Semic Code
  4. Symbolic Code
  5. Referential Code

Barthes' Codes:

Action Code: (proairetic code)something the audience knows and doesn't need explaining e.g. someone being wheeled out on a stretcher tells us they are going to hospital

Enigma Code: (hermeneutic code)something hidden from the audience (creates intrigue)

Semic Code:something that the audience recognize through connotations

Symbolic Code: Something that symbolizes a more abstract concept e.g. a darker than usual room of a murder scene could symbolize the depth of darkness and depravity

Cultural Code: (referential code)Something that is read with understanding due to cultural awareness (e.g. youth culture use certain words that are understood by that culture)

Applying these ideas:

You have actually already applied these ideas, without knowing it.  You do it any time you watch a film/TV drama.  What narrative codes were we reading when we analysed the mise-en-scene in this shot, last week?

The shot below is taken when the featured character has just realised that her husband is having an affair with another woman.  

What do you notice about the mise-en-scene/lighting of the shot?  What narrative code(s) might we be reading here, and what are the effects?